Special Features Improv Comedy
Big Couch
Doors Open: 7:00pm
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Showtime: 7:30pm
Comedian Signup:
When: Sat Jun 29 2024
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Miss DVDs? Us, too. But we lost our DVD player in our last move, so we're going to just make one up - in the moment and based on an audience suggestion.
Fresh off a way-too-long hiatus, Special Features is set to present fast-pased, narrative improv comedy punctuated by the random use of a DVD remote.
Featuring Sam Moodey, Scott Anderson, Emily Slazer, Maggie White, Will Monson, Josh Shreve, and Devin Howard.
Fresh off a way-too-long hiatus, Special Features is set to present fast-pased, narrative improv comedy punctuated by the random use of a DVD remote.
Featuring Sam Moodey, Scott Anderson, Emily Slazer, Maggie White, Will Monson, Josh Shreve, and Devin Howard.
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